South Farm Rodmell Ticket Portal

Terms & Conditions

Your commitment to us
When you confirm your purchase, you are accepting that these terms and conditions form the basis of any contract between South Farm Rodmell and yourself.


·        Prices are inclusive of any applicable taxes and there are no surcharges whatsoever.

·        Once you have paid, we will not increase the price of your tickets.

·        Prices displayed on the site are subject to change without notice.



·        Unfortunately, we cannot issue any refunds for cancellations.


Online Booking

·        Once purchased on-line tickets may not be used in conjunction with any other offer. No ticket may be resold.

·        Any discounts or offers on-line are available for limited quantities and periods only and shall not be available on bookings made by phone or in person.

·        Please bring along a copy of your tickets either printed out or on a digital device (telephone or tablet).

·        Prices are correct at time of going to press and are subject to change without notification.



·        The maze path is wide enough to push pushchair/pram or a wheelchair. However, if it has been raining and the ground is muddy it is not advisable to use a pushchair or wheelchair in the maze.



·        All alterations can be made up to 72 hours before the event without charge.

In the maze

·        Final entry to the maze is 2pm. The event closes at 4pm.

·        Children aged 16 and under are required to be supervised by a responsible paying adult over 18 years, at all times.

·        The maximum adult to child ratio at all times is 1:4.

·        Unfortunately, dogs are not allowed within the maze. Assistance dogs should be supervised and kept under control throughout your visit. They should remain on a lead and wear the appropriate tabard or harness.

·        Please wear appropriate clothing and footwear for the weather. The maze is in a field and ground conditions can be uneven.

Conduct in the event

·        There is a strict NO SMOKING OR VAPING policy within the maze and the event area for safety reasons.

·        Everyone must stay on the designated pathways. Anyone caught walking through the maize crop will be asked to leave immediately.

·        Adult visitors are responsible for the wellbeing, supervision and behaviour of the children they enter with at all times.

·        For your safety and to prevent damage, please do not climb on any of the decorative structures around the maize maze event.